06 June 2023

As part of the first edition (2020-22) of the Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC), participating cities were supported in their green and digital transition. When establishing their ambitions for the ICC programme, cities selected specific thematic tracks under which they would focus on and develop their Action Plan under. 

This second article on the subject focuses on cities working on the Green economy and Local Green Deals thematic track. During the 30-month period of the programme, these cities became greener and more sustainable, by designing key solutions and strategies. The full set of deliverables is also available here.

Corfu’s new plans for a smart mobility

The city of Corfu (Greece) has successfully implemented their impactful solutions and strategies to drive the city towards a Green and Digital Transition. The city developed and introduced two new plans: the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), a comprehensive plan for the management and planning of sustainable urban mobility, and the Electric Vehicles Charging Plan, dedicated to promoting electric vehicle use in the city.

Arad’s digital transformation strategy

The city of Arad (Romania) set the grounds of their Digital Transformation strategy by developing a set of key plans and strategies in relation to their Green and Digital Transition. Some of these key documents are the Integrated Urban Development Strategy, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, the Green Strategy and the Sustainable Energy Action Plan.

Innovation in Catanzaro’s digital infrastructure and mobility services

In terms of their Twin Transition strategy, the city of Catanzaro (Italy) made great achievements in the field of innovative digital infrastructure and sustainable mobility services. They managed to develop 5G experimental applications, a more sustainable freight logistics, a smart and digital parking system, and a new green cycle road.

Białystok’s Renewable Energy Sources implementation

With the current ecosystem we are evolving in, cities faced more and more difficulties with energy systems. The city of Białystok (Poland) installed photovoltaic panels on several municipal buildings to improve both its environmental impact and its resilience against future crisis.

Skellefteå’s mobility hub

The city of Skellefteå (Sweden) has made further progress in its solutions in terms of mobility hubs and local panel grids. With its great achievements and the support of the ICC, Skellefteå was able to join the ’Viable Cities’ and the ’Climate Neutral Cities’ mission at a national level.

Discover the all the ICC cities’ deliverables here.