
Tourism plays a vital role in driving socio-economic progress and considering how Europe is one of the most popular destinations in the world, tourism is a key focus for cities within Europe. In the wake of COVID-19, recovery and resilience have been under the spotlight and the tourism industry has shown remarkable resilience and capacity for recovery. At the city level, tourism can help diversify the economy, promote local products and resources, boost revenue and increase visibility. Ultimately, tourism can enhance the quality of life for citizens and is therefore a strong focus area for the ICC programme.

Transition in the tourism sector addresses both digital transformation and decarbonisation. The digital transformation of the tourism sector supports competitiveness, sustainability and resilience. Decarbonisation requires reducing transportation sector emissions, including the need for sustainable mobility alternatives. 

Importantly, sustainable tourism requires addressing the social impact of mass tourism, such as increased inequalities and job precariousness. The effective collaboration between the different entities of the tourism value chain,  the destination managers and public authorities will  ensure the successful implementation of sustainable and resilient policies.  

Solutions for Cities 

Sustainable eco-tourism

Responsible and environmentally conscious tourism seeks to minimise its impact on the natural environment while promoting conservation, community engagement and cultural understanding. The goal of sustainable ecotourism is to support the well-being of both the natural ecosystems and the local communities involved. 

Some potential solutions include: technologies for innovative and carbon-neutral products; community-based tourism; green certifications for tourism businesses; eco-development programmes; and eco-cultural tourism initiatives.

Digital tourism

Digital technologies, platforms and tools can enhance and transform the efficiency, accessibility and overall experience of both tourists and tourism service providers. Digital tourism integrates digital innovations throughout the entire travel process, from trip planning and booking to on-site experiences and post-travel activities. 

Some potential solutions include: virtual reality, virtual worlds and AI for tourism; smart tourism platforms; digital tools to inform and promote cultural assets; digital infrastructure for tourism; travel application and digital guides.

Open tourism data and platforms  
These solutions aim to make tourism-related data openly available for public access, sharing and use, in easily accessible and usable formats. The goal is to promote transparency, innovation and collaboration within the tourism industry. By making tourism data open and accessible, open tourism platforms contribute to a more collaborative tourism ecosystem, fostering innovation and improving the overall travel experience.

Some potential solutions include: improved data management; open tourism data; improved data sharing and data-driven decision making in tourism.

Cultural and heritage tourism  
Exploring the cultural, historical and natural heritage of a destination emphasises a deeper appreciation of a location's unique identity, traditions, history, art, architecture and lifestyle. Tourists engaging in cultural and heritage tourism seek to immerse themselves in the local culture, learn about the historical significance of a place and appreciate its tangible and intangible heritage.   
Some activities include: restoration and conservation of historic sites; digital archiving and documentation; intangible cultural heritage preservation and cultural hubs.