
As a result of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and its attacks on critical infrastructure, emergency energy equipment donations are…

On November 17, the Intelligent City Challenge (ICC) and the European Committee of the Regions co-organised a virtual event during which the cities’…

As Local Green Deals are blooming across Europe and are even more needed today due to the current crises, the Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC)…

The second Geographical Chapter Meeting took place on October 1 bringing together 9 Greek cities involved in the Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC)…

  The city of Pescara is situated on the Adriatic coast in Italy. The city is well-known for its theatres and is home to the government of the…

  Situated in the North of Sweden, Skellefteå is one of the highest cities in the Swedish Lapland and subarctic region. From the costal to the…