22 September 2020

The Social Economy Diaries collector aims to collect stories and experiences of regional/local stakeholders on social economy using a unique SenseMaker tool.

In order to collect practical, tangible stories of how social economy stakeholders are contributing to create economic value, societal bonds and environmental impact, the European Commission has decided to launch the Social Economy Diaries.

The Diaries are a collection of experiences by social entrepreneurs, their collaborators and employees, those who support their activities and finally those who benefit from their products and services.

Social Economy contributes significantly to changing the economic landscape of Europe for the better, but it is still challenging for many to grasp what it really brings and what is its added value.

In addition to being an inspiration to others, the collected stories will give insights on the specific needs of this important part of our economy. The results will be collected and published in a small downloadable booklet that will also be distributed across Europe to policymakers, citizens, opinion leaders and fellow entrepreneurs.

As a social economy stakeholder, as a contributor, as a consumer of products and services with a deep societal or environmental purpose, your experience counts!

Writing the story and answering to the questions usually takes from 15 to 20 minutes.

Click the link to share your story!

In case of additional questions related to the Diaries, you can contact the team at: