Kavala is a city located in northern Greece with a population of 124 917 inhabitants. It is the principal seaport of eastern Macedonia and the largest and second most populous region in the country. Its economy is fuelled by a large service sector, most of which is linked to tourism, and the public sector – the city’s two main employers. In 2017, Kavala was given the governance award by the Bravo Sustainability Awards. 

Out of the 17 strategic policies laid out in the city’s main strategic document, Kavala’s Operational Programme (KOP) 2015-2019, seven are directly linked to digital transformation. These include promotion of tourism and culture; promotion of the sustainable city model; promotion of smart government and citizen empowerment; promotion of research, technological development and innovation for entrepreneurship; promotion of intelligent city model; promotion of the creative city model; and promotion of citizens’ healthcare. 

Kavala will engage stakeholders from all aspects of the quadruple helix to deliver its digital transformation policies, as well as local actors through its innovative and accredited public participation and consultation structure. 

Kavala was a participant city in the DCC.

Check out the city’s full ICC journey

Read about the city’s progress during the Intelligent Cities Challenge (2020-22) through the city’s final deliverable here.

How to join ICC?
The application period for the ICC 2023-25 edition is now closed. However, if your city is still interested in getting involved with the ICC programme, please contact the Intelligent Cities Helpdesk (helpdesk_icc@technopolis-group.com) to explore the possible options.
how to join